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Map of Los Angeles transport: transport zones and public transport of Los Angeles

You can find on this page the Los Angeles transport map to print and to download in PDF. The Los Angeles transportation map presents the transports network and transport zones of the transit of Los Angeles in USA.

Los Angeles transports map

The Los Angeles transport map shows all means of transportation in Los Angeles. This transports map of Los Angeles will allow you to move easily with public transport of Los Angeles in USA. The Los Angeles transportation map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The city and the rest of the Los Angeles metropolitan area are served by an extensive transports network of freeways and highways (see Los Angeles transports map). The Texas Transport Institute, which publishes an annual Urban Mobility Report, ranked Los Angeles road traffic as the most congested in the US in 2005 as measured by annual delay per traveler.

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transport Authority and other agencies operate an extensive transport system which includes bus lines, as well as subway and light rail lines across Los Angeles County as you can see in Los Angeles transports map, with a combined monthly ridership of 38.8 million as of September, 2011.

Los Angeles is home to one of the country best public transport networks, including subways, light-rail, buses and shuttles to nearly every corner of the Greater Los Angeles area as its shown in Los Angeles transports map. The Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board is making it easier than ever to discover L.A. without a car.